1 pour tous


Marie-Palmyre de Bray (Sciences Po), Egshiglen Chuluunhuu (Harvard), Anahita de Lafond (Paris Descartes), Taejung Song (Harvard)


Paris, a city teeming with nightlife, seems perpetually awake. But in some ways, this is an illusion. Pharmacies and supermarkets, both of which are the main points of access to many basic necessities, typically close between 9 and 11 P.M., leaving nighttime needs and emergencies unmet. This is an issue not only for Parisians and tourists, but also for the homeless, who disproportionately suffer from infectious diseases and dental problems due to lack of hygiene and care.

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1 Pour Tous aims to ensure 24-hour access of basic necessities to all people. We plan to do this, firstly, through vending machines containing first aid items, female hygiene products, and bathroom amenities.


Inspired by the DNA replication system, our project also implements a one-for-one initiative, where for every product bought an equivalent product is donated to the homeless and other marginalized populations through our charity partnerships.


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