

Clément Caporal (CRI), Pietro Desideri (SciencesPo), Annie Kim (Harvard), Ryan Patrick (Harvard)


Allume Paris is a game in which users scan street signs throughout the city. Scanning a sign unlocks an augmented reality version of the historical figure that street is named after. These animated characters then entertain and educate users, teaching them about the history of the surrounding area. 

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As gamers explore the city, they progressively unlock the map of Paris. Trophies can be earned by accomplishing special circuits, such as groupings of streets named after poets or mathematicians. The app builds on precedents in the fields of augmented reality, interactive exploration, and public history to create an entertaining and educational game. 


Based on the biological idea of neural plasticity, particularly the formation of neural networks, Allume Paris hopes to capitalize on the rich but rarely appreciated historical information embedded within Paris' street names. Instead of being disengaged from the city, Parisians, tourists, and students can experience Paris as an “open sky school” and outdoor museum.


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