
Adriana Caicedo (SciencesPo), Tanguy Chotel (CRI), Brendan Zhi Min Dean (Harvard), Eana Meng (Harvard)


You probably have food in your home that you know you won’t eat. Right now, you’d probably throw it out – there’s no alternative. Imagine, though, that there’s a solution to dealing with that extra food, preventing its waste – and helping others with it. You put the food in your bag, and on your commute, pass by a Foodlib’ station conveniently located outside a shop next to the Metro entrance- a place where food gets exchanged, for free. 

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You tap your membership card, put your food into the “Food In” refrigerator and pantry, and label it. Then you go on your way knowing you’ve helped someone, and the environment too, with just a minute of your time. Later, the food is checked for hygiene by an inspector, who moves the food to the “Food Out” compartments.

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Someone else in the cooperative – a hurried single parent, or a student – checks out the Foodlib’ station on his way home, and sees the food you donated: he smiles and takes it for dinner tonight. This is Foodlib’: a cooperative costing just €1 per year for membership, linking those with food they don’t need, with those who want it.


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